Watch Argentina Vs Korea Worldcup

My China and Korean friends

My China friends and i were having beer drinking =D

My beer, at the beginning ~

My beer at the end .
 Oo, i dunno i can drink beer...Whatsup? This was the first time i drank so much beer...

Our Korean friend

Two little pretty girls..They can sing very well too !

HAha, so happy,hahaha....let's drink SOJu together and celebrate for ?? 
Dunno, just celebrated anything ~

Her face so red....almost burst lolz
Argentina Vs Korea
4             :          1

This was an excellent match, u all did very well , congratulation !!

Nothing / Simple

Sometime i feel myself being like nothing
Nothing special, nothing fascinating, nothing fine and
Nothing ,nothing ,nothing

Don't know why i feel so exasperated, fuming for being nothing
Hate to be nothing, nothing should be simple but it apparently looks rather tough and uneven
Stop to being nothing and be anything possible, is it a impossible task ?
I guess no..

What am i trying to say? Even myself also don't know, my mind have dumbfounded by everything happened around me. WHY ?
So complicated....
I don't know how to express. I am speechless now...

Try to be simple is the waste of life
Try to be complex is a torture of life
Then what ? Be moderate ?